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You need to upload the screenshot somewhere and post a link here.

opens the tree, and if double-click to the latest leaf then

After double click opens the tree, and if double-click to the latest leaf then nothing happens...

this forum accepts urls or attachments, do you like screenshot?

Re: how retrieve password so, no need re-enter

lse123 wrote:

after save password to stored session[as i believe have done], how retrieve password so, no need re-enter?

Just double-click the stored session to connect.

how retrieve password so, no need re-enter

after save password to stored session[as i believe have done], how retrieve password so, no need re-enter?

Re: kept signed in next time no needed enter password hosting

Retrieve for what?

Re: kept signed in next time no needed enter password hosting

after save how retrieve?

Re: kept signed in next time no needed enter password hosting

I may not understand the problem, but you probably just need to save the password into your stored session:

kept signed in next time no needed enter password hosting

How keep logged in to winscp ftp client, so no needed enter next time needed use the program?

Portable ver is u3 or is PortableApps? how install the zip?