Many thanks for your help Martin!
- Guest
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Thanks! I think the URL you referred me to for the question of copying files between two remote locations assumed that the two locations are different servers, whereas I meant transferring files from one folder of the remote FTP location to another folder of the same FTP server.
One more suggestion for the next version: it would be good if going from one directory to another refreshed the list of files. Currently, going up a level and then back to a folder will not make recently created/deleted files appear in the list (as happens in other FTP clients), and you need to use Ctrl+R
Hi Martin, thanks for your reply. Good to know this is already tracked - how about the question of seeing the available disk space that's still left on the FTP drive?
- is it possible to copy files from one part of the remote drive to another, i.e. have the left side of WinSCP as remote, just like the right one?
- is there a way to have the File Name and File Extension columns separated (again, as in e.g. Total Commander)?
- I have a single profile defined, which is the only FTP server I connect to; is it possible to automatically connect to that profile when WinSCP is started?