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I had to format my hard drive and re-install windows XP and in doing so I lost all my data for winscp, now I can't get back into my bots files. Can you tell me how to fix this?

Thank You

Help recover login details


I have been using WinSCP, I thank you a lot for coming up with such a wonderful software.

Now, I have a bit of a problem.

My PC crashed and I only could get the files from "Program Files" and the "winscp.rnd" from "application data" folder.

As I have reinstalled my PC, I longer have access to the the login details of ftp accounts in my Winscp software.

Could you please let me know how if i can extract the login details from the above mentioned files??

Please help me out over here, because i need the login details very quickly

Many thanks in advance.
