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Topic review


Re: is executed even before successful log in


My problem was due to the successful execution of execute process task even though connection to remote server failed(through command prompt using

Can you please tell me how I can validate session name and fail my package if logging is not successful.


Re: is executed even before successful log in

Thank You. I am sorry but I can only post the log file next week.

Re: is executed even before successful log in

Sorry, but that does not make any sense.

Please start by posting a full log file showing the problem.
tritournament is executed even before successful log in


I am using Winscp4.3.3 version in my application. I am facing a strange issue while transferring files to the remote location. The remote location where I am transferring files has multiple levels of security which is causing winscp to take longer duration to successfully authenticate before getting connected to it. The issue is even before successfully able to log in to the remote server for some reason is getting executed and showing successful file transfer even though none of the files got transferred.

Can you please help me how I can validate whether winscp was able to connect to the remote server and also how I can increase the time
limit for the winscp before failing my SSIS package while trying to connect to the remote server which has multiple levels of security set up.