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Topic review


Well I guess I'm going to make a choice now. Thank you!

There's "option batch continue".
But that would affect all other commands and errors.

The only issue I can see with this is that I will need to compile a list of socket file names. Being a Unix server they don't have extensions. Although it's possible, and I'm not completely against it. I am curious if there is a way to select the 'Ignore' option in the script?

Copy AIX Fails and Stops Job

I have a client who needs an old AIX server backed up. We can only use FTP to do this, and we need to sync the entire root directory. I am able to copy all files with the exception of socket files. That's fine, because we are mainly after program data, but when the socket file fails to copy it kills the entire job. Is there any way to get around this and allow the job to sync if a file fails?



@echo off
echo ========================== %DATE% ====================== >> WinSCP.log
winscp FactsServer /script=E:\directory\File2 >> WinSCP.log
echo. >> winSCP.log


synchronize local E:\directoryBAK /


Connecting to ...

Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] Profile
Local 'E:\directoryBAK' <= Remote '/'
Local 'E:\directoryBAK' <= Remote '/'
.exrc                     |          0 KiB |    0.0 KiB/s | binary | 100%
.lsof_midwest             |          8 KiB |   21.3 KiB/s | binary | 100%
.mvw_startup              |          0 KiB |   15.0 KiB/s | binary | 100%
.profile                  |          0 KiB |   11.5 KiB/s | binary | 100%
.sh_history               |          2 KiB |   11.5 KiB/s | binary | 100%
audit                     |          0 KiB |    9.2 KiB/s | binary |   0%
bin                       |          0 KiB |    9.2 KiB/s | binary |   0%              |          5 KiB |    9.6 KiB/s | binary | 100%
core                      |        200 KiB |  108.1 KiB/s | binary | 100%
custom                    |          0 KiB |  108.1 KiB/s | binary |   0%
clearwtmp                 |          0 KiB |   87.2 KiB/s | binary | 100%
dev                       |          0 KiB |   87.2 KiB/s | binary |   0%
.SRC-unix                 |          0 KiB |   77.9 KiB/s | binary |   0%
SRCXJciEa                 |          0 KiB |   70.8 KiB/s | binary |   0%
Error transferring file '/dev/.SRC-unix/SRCXJciEa'.
Copying files from remote side failed.

SRCXJciEa: The socket does not allow the requested operation.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)kip, Ski(p) all: Abort

I am using WinSCP 4.3.7 on Windows Server 2011 Standard.