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Re: transferring all htm files on all dirs

martin wrote:

I could help if you describe what step you are having problems with.
Yes, you can upload whole folder or set of files using WinSCP at once.
For general help on uploading, please see

I want to upload only the .htm files (not the jpg, pdf, ... etc.) and I'd like to do all the htm files on all directors from the top directory down.

The way I've done this in the past is to go into each directory (several dozen of them), sort the files by type (so all the htms are lumped together), select all the htms, and copy them to the server panel. Seems like there must be a better way?


Re: transferring all htm files on all dirs

I could help if you describe what step you are having problems with.
Yes, you can upload whole folder or set of files using WinSCP at once.
For general help on uploading, please see

Re: transferring all htm files on all dirs

garybis wrote:

I'd like to transfer all the htm files on my local site to my server, including the main dir and all sub dirs. Hopefully this is possible with one command?

Thanks Gary

I'm a little surprised at no reply? Is this that hard to do? Or, a dumb question?

I have a site with 864 htm files on many dirs, and have to resend all of them to my server when a change is made to the template file -- this is a genuine hassle.


Re: transferring all htm files on all dirs

martin wrote:

Do you want to do that from the GUI or automate it?

From the GUI would be fine, but if an automated method is easier to implement that's fine also.


Re: transferring all htm files on all dirs

Do you want to do that from the GUI or automate it?

transferring all htm files on all dirs

I'd like to transfer all the htm files on my local site to my server, including the main dir and all sub dirs. Hopefully this is possible with one command?

Thanks Gary