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Topic review


Re: Information on WinSCP

sjenno wrote:

1. How often do you release upgrades for your software?

No regular plan, but usually every 2-4 months.
2. At what times in the year are the upgrades available (eg 1st Quarter, January, etc)?[/quote]

3. Are customers on a maintenance/support contract notified of available upgrades?

We do not provide paid support.

4. Are customers not on a maintenance/support contract notified of available upgrades?


5. If you do not notify customers of available upgrades is the information announced on your website?


Information on WinSCP

At Ipswich City Council we use WinSCP FTP Client.

We would like to setup a schedule for updates to this software and so would like some information please:

1. How often do you release upgrades for your software?
2. At what times in the year are the upgrades available (eg 1st Quarter, January, etc)?
3. Are customers on a maintenance/support contract notified of available upgrades?
4. Are customers not on a maintenance/support contract notified of available upgrades?
5. If you do not notify customers of available upgrades is the information announced on your website?

I look forward to your reply and thank you in advance.

Kind regards

Sue Jenno | ERP Systems Administrator