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Re: I need SFTP to create remote directories via command line

option batch continue

mkdir /%computername%/Data
option batch abort

But you still get an error exit code and error record in the log.

Clean solution would be to use Session.FileExists from WinSCP .NET assembly:

I need SFTP to create remote directories via command line


I'm using via command line on a growing number of servers to backup a specific location. I'm using a Windows environmental variable %computername% so minimise customisation of the script per server.

I'm finding that when attempting to transfer to /%computername%/Data that because the /%computername% doesn't exist it fails. This makes sense and from my understanding this is by design. Is there however any switches I can use to change this so it does create the directory?

Script below: /log=log.txt /script=backupScript.txt


option batch abort
option confirm off
open username:password@server
synchronize remote -delete "E:\Data" "/%computername%/Data"

Thanks in advance for your help. :)