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Ok, thanks for testing. I'll update the defaults to use single-quotes.

martin wrote:

I have sent you an email with a dev version of WinSCP with KiTTY support.

I tested and sent you an e-mail, but, please, disregard it.
I figured how to make it work:
"C:\Program Files\kitty.exe" -cmd "cd '!/';ksh93" !U@!@

So what I did was
1 - replaced your escaped double quotes with single quotes
2 - added a semicolon with the execution of a command (in my case ksh93, which is in PATH on all systems I use)
As a result i have single connection configurations inside WinSCP. I don't need stored KiTTY sessions.
I get KiTTY openning in my current 'remote' directory location
I have my shell started and I am still under that directory.

It's all I wanted (so far ) :wink:

braykov wrote:

And I know the "send command" has a stupid implementation, but my different servers are opening with 3 different shells (csh, ksh(88), bash) which drives me crazy.

You can create symlink with the same name on all of these, pointing to a respective shell.
Or with new WinSCP you can create local script that produces correct shell based on, e.g. hostname. See !`command` pattern (check built-in the example [in PuTTY path combo box] that produces local file with cd command for -m switch).

braykov wrote:

If you add support for KiTTY + the option to automatically open in the current remote WinSCP directory, that would be just great.

I have sent you an email with a dev version of WinSCP with KiTTY support.

Yes, I already created saved sessions in KiTTY, and I have pinned it to the taskbar.
I cannot find any other faster way to work with terminals so far.
And I know the "send command" has a stupid implementation, but my different servers are opening with 3 different shells (csh, ksh(88), bash) which drives me crazy.

If you add support for KiTTY + the option to automatically open in the current remote WinSCP directory, that would be just great.

braykov wrote:

- Auto-login password (for saved sessions)

WinSCP can pass its password to PuTTY.
You should better use Pageant anyway.

[quote]- Command (for me to run /bin/ksh93)[/list]
It's pretty unless and unreliable feature. Have you tried it yet?

Well, I can create one, but then I need different files for different sessions.
The option is one for opening any PuTTY session. I have different servers: AIX, Red Hat.
It just gets more complicated.

But that's the same with KiTTY -cmd option. Or do you want to create stored sessions in KiTTY (not to have WinSCP export its sessions to PuTTY)?

martin wrote:

But it's not a problem to create one, right?

Well, I can create one, but then I need different files for different sessions.
The option is one for opening any PuTTY session. I have different servers: AIX, Red Hat.
It just gets more complicated.

martin wrote:


At least because KiTTY has the following two needed options:

    - Auto-login password (for saved sessions)
    - Command (for me to run /bin/ksh93)

Putty doesn't have that.

braykov wrote:

-m option doesn't work like that. It takes the filename of a _local_ file on your Windows system.

You are right. But it's not a problem to create one, right?

braykov wrote:

Also, it seems I will have to use KiTTY now.


Also, it seems I will have to use KiTTY now.
I see that the integration request has been implemented/resolved in 5.2.2.
How can we get this version?

OK, 10x, I'll play with PuTTY.

unfortunately I will have to stop using CTRL+P with WinSCP, because:
-m option doesn't work like that. It takes the filename of a _local_ file on your Windows system.

Ok, the Shell setting is indeed not exported to PuTTY and it NEVER was.
And I do not think it should. The option is there not to allow you to select your favourite shell, but to select shell compatible with WinSCP. What is generally the least user-friendly shell, so exactly contrary to what you want to use with PuTTY.

You can create a stored session in PuTTY with the same name as WinSCP session to make WinSCP open that session, instead of exporting its own settings to PuTTY.

Yes, Sir!
And I usually use CTRL+P.

Re: Shell property is disregarded

Are you refering to Open in PuTTY command?

Shell property is disregarded

I am with version 5.2.1 and I remember it used to work with 5.1.4 but even with a portable version, I couldn't make it work again. So:
I am loggin in on AIX 6.1 where the default shell is ksh (version 88f). I want it to login automatically with ksh93 (93e).
So I setup Shell: /usr/bin/ksh93
But when I open PuTTY terminal, it logs me in with the default ksh.

Directly send me a debug version to generate a trace file.
I tried logging a debug 2 type file, but it doesn't show much.
Of course it's up to you to judge :-)