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Re: Logs

On the GUI of Winscp it shows 2013-11-07 and 7:29 am and the time stamp of PST -7 hours when it is 14:29

On a local panel before upload or a remote panel after upload?

Re: Logs

martin wrote:

Thanks. What particular file should I look at? What time do you expect WinSCP to show?

In the log, I can see you were uploading file ReleaseBulletinCPBA1.0.3.3_20131022.pdf. But it seems that the server did not accept a timestamp at all. It not just a timezone difference. The source local file is dated 2013-10-23, while after upload the destination remote file has date 2013-11-07 (i.e. today as the time of transfer).

Yes. The file Release Bulletin. On the GUI of Winscp it shows 2013-11-07 and 7:29 am and the time stamp of PST -7 hours when it is 14:29

Re: Logs

Thanks. What particular file should I look at? What time do you expect WinSCP to show?

In the log, I can see you were uploading file ReleaseBulletinCPBA1.0.3.3_20131022.pdf. But it seems that the server did not accept a timestamp at all. It not just a timezone difference. The source local file is dated 2013-10-23, while after upload the destination remote file has date 2013-11-07 (i.e. today as the time of transfer).

Re: Logs

martin wrote:

kenp11 wrote:

This is the complete session log. Is there another way to get the complete log you want?

No it's not. See for example here how a complete log starts:

Attached logs

Re: Logs

kenp11 wrote:

This is the complete session log. Is there another way to get the complete log you want?

No it's not. See for example here how a complete log starts:


This is the complete session log. Is there another way to get the complete log you want?

Re: WinScp client all time stamps that we FTP'd show -7 hours

Thanks. Though I need a complete log file.

Re: WinScp client all time stamps that we FTP'd show -7 hours

Currently on version 5.1.7 Build 3446. FTP port 21 Attached log
FTP zip file at 9:30 but time of the file on server is different. Changed time is 2:30am on WinSCP folder remote.

Re: WinScp client all time stamps that we FTP'd show -7 hours

What version of WinSCP are you using? Do you use FTP or SFTP?

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you may email it to me. You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have emailed the log.

WinSCP client all time stamps that we FTP'd show -7 hours

When we login with WinSCP client all time stamps that we FTP'd show -7 hours behind PST. GMT is 7 hours ahead.
PST time 2:22PM time of file on PC & Windows server
Winscp 7:22AM
GMT is 9:22PM
How do we fix this so time stamps match local PST?