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Topic review


Re: That will work, but it was shock to see it move. ugh.

corky wrote:

why fix what wasn't broken...

It was broken: The system menu does not (obviously) include the most basal function of WinSCP, the Upload.

That will work, but it was shock to see it move. ugh.

That will work, but it was shock to see it move. ugh, why fix what wasn't broken...

Re: What happened in 5.5 - The most useful features are all gone

I suppose you are missing system context menu of local file panel, right?
It's now available under System Menu command of the new context menu.
Alternatively, you can opt to get system menu by default (i.e. the previous behaviour):

What happened in 5.5 - The most useful features are all gone

What happened in 5.5 - The most useful features are all gone?

I used a lot of context menu features up till this update, now they are either grayed out or gone. What the heck did you dumb it down for? Where is Open (grayed out now) for directories, and Open With, which I used all the time?

It seems like you killed a tremendous amount of useful functionality. What for?