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Sry, forgot smth... It seems that only FTP connections are affected. Whenever I can, I use SFTP and that's working very well.

I have the same problems since Windows 8.1. No matter if I upload, download or delete files. Anyway I tried other FTP clients and they had the same problem. I also use WinSCP on my private machine at home with Windows 7 installed with no problems. So it has to be an issue with Windows 8.1 in my case.

I tried anything I found like deactivating IE11 (it seems I can't deinstall IE on a german Windows...), deinstalling KB2909921 and also new drivers for nearly everything... Nothing fixed this issue :(

the weird thing is that it is working with the same server on windows 7 but not on windows 8

Re: Timeout server related

PC-Gram wrote:

I will investigate this further and come back.
The server causing the troubles run proFTPD. Allegedly a known problem when running winSCP against proFTPD.

Timeout server related

I have now changed to another hosting company and voila: My timeout problems disappeared indicating that the problem lies within the server WinSCP connects to.
I will investigate this further and come back.

When it occurs, and it occurs every 10 secs or son when copying many files, I first get a windows system message "(not responding)" and the after 3-4 secs I get the "lost connection" message followed by a fast reconnection.

That's exactly what i am dealing with. So far i just occurs in Windows 8.1...same version of WinSCP but Win 7 works fine

Further clarification

As I've mentioned before the problem is not only related to file xfers.
When it occurs, and it occurs every 10 secs or son when copying many files, I first get a windows system message "(not responding)" and the after 3-4 secs I get the "lost connection" message followed by a fast reconnection.

Re: Same story here

martin wrote:

PC-Gram wrote:

I experience the same problem. Whenever I have used the program for some time I get time out. It occurs on a very regular basis and seems not to be related to what I am doing or how many bytes I transfer.
However this problem only appears on my 2 Win7 machines. Not on my old XP.
My current workaround is to set the reconnect time as low as possible.

The same question, are you getting this problem with other FTP clients?

I only get the problem with winscp and I can confirm, that it seems not to be related to transfor only.

any news about the problem?

i installed FileZilla to try it and there i don't have the problem.
And yes it occures at any operation

Re: Same story here

PC-Gram wrote:

I experience the same problem. Whenever I have used the program for some time I get time out. It occurs on a very regular basis and seems not to be related to what I am doing or how many bytes I transfer.
However this problem only appears on my 2 Win7 machines. Not on my old XP.
My current workaround is to set the reconnect time as low as possible.

The same question, are you getting this problem with other FTP clients?

fabstr wrote:

attached is an log file. I tried to delete a folder with some files included and after while processing it got stuck with the timeout.

I do not see any transfer in the log. Only deleting of files. But the problem is there. So I assume it happens during any operation, not just transfer, right? Do you have the problem with other FTP clients?

Re: Same story here

PC-Gram wrote:

I experience the same problem....

I need to add that the problem seems not to be related to any version of Winscp.
I have attached a typical part of my log where a timeout occurs

Same story here

I experience the same problem. Whenever I have used the program for some time I get time out. It occurs on a very regular basis and seems not to be related to what I am doing or how many bytes I transfer.
However this problem only appears on my 2 Win7 machines. Not on my old XP.
My current workaround is to set the reconnect time as low as possible.

ok thanks for your answer.

attached is an log file. I tried to delete a folder with some files included and after while processing it got stuck with the timeout.

Re: Timeout Detected

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you may email it to me. You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have emailed the log.

Also please register, so we can send you a debug version of WinSCP, if needed.

Timeout Detected

Hi there!

i have a really annoying problem with WinSCP and Windows 8.1. When i transfer files (could be small or larger, doesn't matter) i get an error message:
Lost Connection: Timeout Detected

It can also happen that files with size zero are stored.

I already updated to the latest version of WinSCP, put FTP in passive mode but nothing helps.

I really need this working :)

can anybody help?