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Re: wtf GUI!

SerzN1 wrote:

disappear windows context menu with SHIFT button

If you want to use Windows context menu for local files instead of built-in WinSCP menu, you can opt for it in preferences (System Menu command hint suggests that):

appear f*cking windows with @Yes, no, cancel@ when shift + enter not working

No idea what you mean. Please explain.

and please think about users.

I want to assure you that we think about our users all the time!

wtf GUI!

hi, mans.

What a F*CK are you doing with GUI!?
disappear windows context menu with SHIFT button, appear f*cking windows with @Yes, no, cancel@ when shift + enter not working

please move back is as* this features!!!!!!!!
and please think about users., otherwise needs older viersion of program and alltogether jump off your program!