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Topic review

Hi thanks for the response.

Yes, using other SFTP Clients has the same behaviour as WINSCP.

Yes, tried enabling/disabling the connection buffer flag which had no discernible impact.

Quite perplexed must be a server config?

Re: Upload consistently fails after 1 second

Can anyone suggest next steps for diagnosis or what additional information I could provide to get some insight? Can't figure out if this is a Linux config or a network issue or some setting in winscp or ftp clients i am missing? wrote:


Having a heck of a time uploading to a server.

The upload fails after about 1 seconds and only makes about 364KiB of the upload leaving a small stub of a .part file.

I have attached the logs.

I am simply uploading 1 file at a time which is about 90MB

The dialog box shows 1%; then hangs; then says application not responding and often about 60 seconds later it says Host is not communicating for more than 60 seconds...

No trouble with Putty connections.

Using Windows 7 Professional

Using Transfer protocol SFTP

On Version 5.5.4

Upload consistently fails after 1 second


Having a heck of a time uploading to a server.

The upload fails after about 1 seconds and only makes about 364KiB of the upload leaving a small stub of a .part file.

I have attached the logs.

I am simply uploading 1 file at a time which is about 90MB

The dialog box shows 1%; then hangs; then says application not responding and often about 60 seconds later it says Host is not communicating for more than 60 seconds...

No trouble with Putty connections.

Using Windows 7 Professional

Using Transfer protocol SFTP

On Version 5.5.4