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Re: that fixed it!

HoldOffHunger wrote:

Downgrade to WinSCP 5.17 and this problem disappears entirely. Thanks! (Make sure to disable updating when you install.)

There's no problem. It's just a different default.
You can always opt to Use system context menu by default in preferences:

Or use the Open > Go To > Explore Directory command as mentioned above.

Never use old versions of WinSCP!

that fixed it!

Downgrade to WinSCP 5.17 and this problem disappears entirely. Thanks! (Make sure to disable updating when you install.)

Thanks a lot! I understand how to use it now! :D

Re: Cannot open a local folder by right click and select 'open'

Forgot to mention that you can open directory in Windows Explorer using Open > Go To > Explore Directory or Ctrl+Alt+E shortcut (in Commander interface only, obviously).

Re: Cannot open a local folder by right click and select 'open'

Since 5.2, WinSCP uses its internal context menu for local files by default, instead of system menu:

WinSCP command Open does not work for directories.
So access system Open command, use System Menu command in WinSCP internal context menu (the last entry).

Cannot open a local folder by right click and select 'open'


Recently I reinstalled my laptop and installed the newest version winscp, I found I can't open a folder to explorer window. Before that, when i right click on a folder, and choose 'open', an explorer window will pop up for this folder. But now the 'open' option is not selectable.

Does anyone know why is that..?

Thanks in advance!!