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Topic review


Many Thanks

all seems to be working now

Command Line Put with XML Files

Hi Guy's,

I'm uploading an XML file to an FTP site
when transferring - the XML file is being uploaded as a temp file and once the file is fully uploaded, it is then renamed as it's proper file name

created /B20140813.csv - 226 - 15844 - 22
created /B20140813.xml.filepart - 226 - 190293 - 22
rnfr /B20140813.xml.filepart - 350 - - - 22
rnto /B20140813.xml - 250 - - - 22
quit - - 221 - - - 22

any ideas how to upload an XML file without using a temp file and then renaming..?

it does seem to do this with a csv or txt file

any help greatfully received