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martin wrote:

Well, you can connect in active mode, if you are behind a router. But you need to specify your external IP address (as the server sees you) in WinSCP preferences.
And you need to open your firewall for incoming data connections.

In passive mode the same setup has to be done on server-side. What is more common, as it's one-time configuration that allows any user to use the server. While in active mode, all users have to setup their firewall.

I have documented this into more details at:

Re: First-time user: (continued)

ETBCR wrote:

Then I tried connecting again, and this time it went as far as getting the directory listing. So, it looked like all was good to go. Except when I clicked on the folder on the remote server side, the directory opened but nothing returned at the top of the dashboard and it "froze". I couldn't click on anything and just had to shut it down in Task Manager.

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

First-time user: (continued)

I had replied to this, but it is not showing up on the forum, so am trying again.

I do not have a static IP address so cannot specify one.

I made one change based on your reply, and that was to check the box about reverting to FTP is SFTP doesn't work.
And I went back into my Windows firewall to make sure that everything was set to let it through the firewall.

Then I tried connecting again, and this time it went as far as getting the directory listing. So, it looked like all was good to go. Except when I clicked on the folder on the remote server side, the directory opened but nothing returned at the top of the dashboard and it "froze". I couldn't click on anything and just had to shut it down in Task Manager.

So I am now one step closer, but now there is a new problem. I still think that it must be something in Windows 8.1 that is causing all these problems, but no one seems to agree with my assessment, or to know what it might be.


Well, you can connect in active mode, if you are behind a router. But you need to specify your external IP address (as the server sees you) in WinSCP preferences.
And you need to open your firewall for incoming data connections.

In passive mode the same setup has to be done on server-side. What is more common, as it's one-time configuration that allows any user to use the server. While in active mode, all users have to setup their firewall.

I have attached two log files and an error message (png). Log1 is attempt to login in PASSIVE mode. Log2 is an attempt to login in ACTIVE mode. Also attached is a snip showing the error message I received when trying the ACTIVE mode login.

You wrote that I need to use passive mode, but everything I have read and heard has told me that if I am behind a NAT router that I must use ACTIVE mode. The other person using this FTP site (and other FTP sites) (using the same host, user name, password) connects and accesses the directory listing from his computer in ACTIVE mode without problem. Only difference between my computer and his is he has Windows 7 OS and I have Windows 8.1. And with my old laptop with the Windows 7 OS, I never experienced any problems with the FTP site.

I do not have a static IP address so cannot specify one.

I removed the host name and user name from the Logs, and hope that they are not relevant to the problem.

Thank you for your assistance,

Re: 1st-time user: Can't retrieve directory listing & Timeouts

If you are behind a router, you have to use a passive mode.

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP in passive mode).

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

1st-time user: Can't retrieve directory listing & Timeouts

I am a first time user of WinSCP. I am trying WinSCP because of problems using Filezilla, but it seems I'm having the same problems with WinSCP.

Version of WinSCP: 5.5.6
File Protocol: FTP
Operating System: Windows 8.1
Interface: Commander
Host name:
User ID: etbcr

First attempt: Entered Host Name, User ID, Password, Clicked LogIn.

Error message: "Could not Retrieve Directory Listing. Can't open data connection." [Note: this is the same error I was getting with Filezilla]

Second attempt: Under Advanced Site Settings, under Operations, unchecked "Passive" connection (I am behind a router).

Error message: Lost Connection Timeout detected. Could not retrieve directory listing. Error listing directory "/etbcr".

I changed the timeout time to 30 seconds, but still it would still timeout over and over.

As I mentioned, I had been using Filezilla. I used it for over a year on my previous laptop which had Windows 7 operating system with absolutely no problems at all. This problem started when I got a new laptop with Windows 8.1., although others have assured me that it has nothing to do with Windows 8.1 And yes, the firewall is set to allow WinSCP (and Filezilla) through.

I am a volunteer who uses an FTP site to update the webpage of a non-profit dog rescue group. I know just enough to make revisions and updates to our webpage. I am a complete neophyte to all of this and don't know the language. Please in your reply to me, it is perfectly okay (actually BETTER) if you explain things in terms that a first-grader would understand.

Thank you