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Re: Extracting Time stamp of remote files

martin wrote:

So you want only to check that the remote file timestamps have changed (or that they all are newer than a certain time)? You do not need to download them?

I don't need to download the files. I just need to download the timestamps of each file.

Re: Extracting Time stamp of remote files

So you want only to check that the remote file timestamps have changed (or that they all are newer than a certain time)? You do not need to download them?

Re: Extracting Time stamp of remote files

martin wrote:

That's very vague question. Where do you want to "extract" the timestamp to? What are you going to do with the timestamp?

Did you consider using synchronization?

Or downloading recent files only? ("Alternatives" section)

Project requires owners to update the files each week. So, based on the time stamp of each file (have around 20 files whose names are static) i will then check to see if the files have been updated.

Basically i would like to connect to WINSCP and pull the timestamps with a click on button.

Hope this helps

Extracting Time stamp of remote files

I use the WINSCP 5.5.6 (Build 4746). How do i extract the time stamp (Changed) on the remote computer for 20-30 specific files (file names don't change).

I need to extract the time stamp to know if the files have been updated. Instead of connecting manually and looking for each and every file, i would like to do in automatically.

I am new to this subject but i did look around but couldn't find any material that would be helpful. Thanks in advance