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Re: Open terminal / custom commands don't work

dave.dumbeck@minnesota.ed wrote:

I set the shell to /bin/sh and now it works.

You can also set UTF-8 encoding for filenames to On (or Off) instead of default Auto:

Re: Open terminal / custom commands don't work

I set the shell to /bin/sh and now it works.


Re: Open terminal / custom commands don't work

C shell on FreeBSD.

echo $LANG ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$status"
LANG: Undefined variable.

Re: Open terminal / custom commands don't work

Thanks for your report.

1) While I do not see any "Invalid access to memory" error in 5.6 log, it was likely this bug:

2) "Host is not communicating for 15 seconds": It's because your server does not respond sensibly to this command:
echo $LANG ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$status"
(That's newly used in 5.7)
What shell are you using? What OS is that?

Open terminal / custom commands don't work

In version 5.6.0, Open Terminal (Ctrl+T) and custom commands err with "Invalid access to memeory".

In versions 5.6.2 through 5.7.0, Open Terminal (Ctrl+T) and custom commands hang for 15 seconds at "Starting the session..." then err with "Host is not communicating for 15 seconds".

Versions 5.6.1 and 5.5.6 work properly. Windows Vista SP2. Debug logs for 5.6.0 and 5.7.0 attached.
