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Topic review


Re: 3.7.3 SCP Problem

slaukas wrote:

I have tested your new Fix2 (for the scp transfer Problem with the version 3.7.3) and it's looks ok !!


3.7.3 SCP Problem

I have tested your new Fix2 (for the scp transfer Problem with the version 3.7.3) and it's looks ok !!

Without the Fix-release, the error is only with scp not with sftp.

Re: With new Version 3.7.3 can not more copy as 124kb filessize

slaukas wrote:

I have update the old Version 3.7.2 with the new 3.7.3.
Since this update. i can not send Files bigger than 124 KB. After this
the Timeout screen (...15 sec) is visible and the session was ended.

What protocol, SCP of SFTP? Can it be the same problem as in this topic?

i haven't encountered any problem regarding file copy locally and remotely with a filesize larger than 124 KB... I tried it myself...

With new Version 3.7.3 can not more copy as 124kb filessize

I have update the old Version 3.7.2 with the new 3.7.3.
Since this update. i can not send Files bigger than 124 KB. After this
the Timeout screen (...15 sec) is visible and the session was ended.

I go back to the old version , and the filetransfer run witout any problems
It's a bug or a new feature ??? :D :D :D