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Problem solved !

After following your guide, the problem is no longer a problem!

Thanks a lot ! :D

Re: winscp 576 common property for ftp protocol not work !

Since 5.0.7, WinSCP uses a modern MLST command to list directories by default, instead of an obsoleted LIST.
Unfortunately some FTP servers does not provide all the details in the MLSD listing, that they do provide in LIST listing.

You can disable MLSD (not recommended though):

more detail description of the problem !

When I login a ftp server, and right-click a file, and select [Properties] in the right-click menu. WinSCP 576 doesn't show any data in 'Group', 'Owner', 'Permissions' label. While WinSCP 506 shows correctly!

winscp 576 common property for ftp protocol not work !

winscp 576 common property for ftp protocol not work !