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Sorry to be late, I am a bit busy, since I am setting and transfering domains (and fighting hard with win8);
I will do it soon and post the log file

Uploaded some hundreds of files, I've got 4 errors for some connection faults.
I am not sure if they were fixed, or if files were left incomplete; isn't there a way to see which files were concerned? the log?

Let me answer to myself:
observed that an upload was interrupted and left with the current timestamp, while the option was to keep its original date and time …

this could be the way to filter them.

Re: NO FTP overwrite confirmation

Please attach a full log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

Re: NO FTP overwrite confirmation

martin wrote:

Do you use a background or a foreground transfer?

No background, all in view real time.

Now I have uploaded hundreds of files: those already existing are not copied again, but no alert or confirmation request appears.

Re: NO FTP overwrite confirmation

Do you use a background or a foreground transfer?

Re: NO FTP overwrite confirmation

Anonymous wrote:

HI, I cannot get any FTP overwrite confirmation, wether the option is checked or not in the Environment.
I did not check "don't ask me again", and I'm working with WinSCP.ini

The same folder full of images was copied and copied again, several times.
XP sp2 guest in a VirtualBox (Win8 host) - WinSCP 5.8.3 (build 6701), but also a previous one.


SORRY, I lost this piece:
Despite the internal Preferences setting, now I see that in WinSCP.ini ConfirmOverwriting=0.
I saved ConfirmOverwriting=1 and tried after re-start to copy existing files, but no confirmation was asked.

Re: NO FTP overwrite confirmation

Anonymous wrote:

HI, I cannot get any FTP overwrite confirmation, wether the option is checked or not in the Environment.
I did not check "don't ask me again", and I'm working with WinSCP.ini

The same folder full of images was copied and copied again, several times.
XP sp2 guest in a VirtualBox (Win8 host) - WinSCP 5.8.3 (build 6701), but also a previous one.


I have also observed that an upload was interrupted and left with the current timestamp, while the option was to keep its original date and time (it was probably adjusted once the transfer completed).

This means that it will not be updated on the next attempt, if the break point was not known …

Hope this can help.

NO FTP overwrite confirmation

HI, I cannot get any FTP overwrite confirmation, wether the option is checked or not in the Environment.
I did not check "don't ask me again", and I'm working with WinSCP.ini

The same folder full of images was copied and copied again, several times.
XP sp2 guest in a VirtualBox (Win8 host) - WinSCP 5.8.3 (build 6701), but also a previous one.
