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Topic review


Slow upload speed

You're right, I missed that. I switched my bat file over to use FTPS and it is just a fast (or slow) as using the UI.


Re: here's the complete UI log

@jhs1: In the script you are using FTP protocol. In GUI you are using SFTP protocol.

here's the complete UI log

complete UI log

Re: log file from uploading the same file form the UI

Can you please post complete UI log?

log file from uploading the same file form the UI

log file from uploading the same file form the UI

the upload.bat file

the upload.bat file

Re: Slow upload speed

@jhs1: Don't you have verbose logging enabled in the GUI?
If not, please consider posting GUI and script log files for comparable transferfs.

Slow upload speed

Yes, here is the content of my bat file:
set /P password=Enter website pwd or Enter to quit: 
if %password% == "" exit
echo Starting WinSCP
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /log=my.log /ini=nul /command "open ftp://xxx:"%password%"" ^
 "put C:\Users\ /public_html/" ^
echo WinSCP finished

Re: slow upload speed

@jhs1: Are you also using WinSCP in your script?

slow upload speed

I was using the GUI and had a very slow upload speed (1 MB/s). I recently wrote a Windows batch file to automate the uploading and using the script the upload speed is about 10x faster!

Slow Upload Speed

Hello, I am having slow speeds with SFTP I don't think it is due to hardware or not. it there any option I can do so speed it up to my normal speeds for upload an download. i get 11.2 Up and 11.2 Down for WinSCP on SFTP and FTP. I will not send any log files since this is for my security purpose. Just letting you know that now thank you!

Re: same as AMBTL

@gointern: Thanks for your report.
The same answer: Can you please start a new thread and post a log file using WinSCP 5.10? And maybe a screenshot or two?

same as AMBTL

I can report the same issues as did AMBTL user. Transfering a folder with many small files takes much longer than with other FTP client. Also queue shows one file being transferring. WinSCP version is 5.10.2 build 7621

AMBTL wrote:

WinSCP 5.10 beta seems to improve the situation quite a bit, but my transfer speeds still oscillate between 10 KB/s and 280 KB/s for small files. For JPG files I get now between 100 KB/s and 700 KB/s, and I think that's really a nice improvement. (For large files, I get about 5 MB/s.)

What bothers me, is that in the queue I still always see only 1 file being transferred at the same time, even though in the settings I configured the maximum at 9 files at a time. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your report.
Can you please start a new thread and post a log file using WinSCP 5.10? And maybe a screenshot or two?

I also have issues with transfer speeds, but only when I am transferring folders with lots of small files. Large files like zips or videos have always transfered very fast, can't complain.

WinSCP 5.10 beta seems to improve the situation quite a bit, but my transfer speeds still oscillate between 10 KB/s and 280 KB/s for small files. For JPG files I get now between 100 KB/s and 700 KB/s, and I think that's really a nice improvement. (For large files, I get about 5 MB/s.)

What bothers me, is that in the queue I still always see only 1 file being transferred at the same time, even though in the settings I configured the maximum at 9 files at a time. Am I doing something wrong?

If only 1 file is being transferred at the same time, that explains the slow overall progress.
From my Filezilla times, I remember when I dragged and dropped a folder, multiple files appeared in the queue and I could actually see that they were being transferred at the same time. In WinSCP queue I can only see 1 filename at a time, when I drag and drop a folder. Does it mean that at one time only 1 file is being transferred, or does the queue only "visualize" 1 file transfer at a time?

Of all FTP clients that I tested, WinSCP is my favourite, thank you very much for great software, but transferring WordPress folders requires a little patience...
Cheers :D

@knert: Try WinSCP 5.10 beta with its reimplemented transfer queue.

A single file doesn't do justice because the problem is that it seems that WinSCP cannot handle multiple files at once. So the speed is ok, but WinSCP can only transfer a few files at the time. That is the big difference between waiting 2 hours of waiting 1 minute.

Re: wayyyy to slow

@knert: Thanks for your post.
Please start a new thread and include a log files of both WinSCP and FileZilla showing a comparable transfer. A single large file for simplicity.
Link the new thread here. Thanks.

wayyyy to slow


Download and upload difference:

Wnscp: 32 kb/sec
Filezilla: 30mb/sec

Got unlimited download/upload enabled in Winscp.

With the Filezilla I download/upload complete GB packages within seconds. With Winscp it takes more than a day.

All things cool about security and stuff but I've searched around for optimal settings for Winscp but regardless... this speed is ninetees stuff. We want no discussions, we want solutions to speed up things to 2017 style.

So in short: HOW to speed up so that we (and other users) makes WinSCP usable so that it can transfer MB's a second instead of hours.

Kind regards,

knert :D

@Guest: There's no generic cause of "WinSCP being slower than FileZilla". You need to provide us more details about your set up/environment. Also what "new version" do you refer to?

Are there any updates on this. I too am having low updates compared to FileZilla. Is there an ETA for the new version?

Re: Slow upload speed

WorkyWords wrote:

Ok. I was reading here in the website and I found an article about CPU and encryption (disable/enable), that should speed up. Is that an option?

What article?

Re: Slow upload speed

@martin: Ok. I was reading here in the website and I found an article about CPU and encryption (disable/enable), that should speed up. Is that an option?
Soon I will work with a new laptop that is faster, other CPU, faster, maybe that will help.

Other tips? Because my 5 TB will take a lot of time to upload this way.


Re: Slow upload speed

FileZilla uses better compiler. That's something that's difficult to change.

Anyway, the next version of WinSCP will support parallel transfers, what will help in this situation.

Slow upload speed

Hi, I am curious about the solution here.
I also have a terrible slow upload speed in WinSCP.

WinSCP is 500 MB in 7min 01sec = 1,2 MB/sec.
FileZilla between 2 MB/s – 3,8 MB/s.
How come?

OK, thanks for the information!

It means that process uses from 1% to 6%.

What does "01-06" mean?

01-06 at CPU tab in task manager.
And I test today speed - the result is:
Filezilla - stable 10.4-10.8 Mib.
WinSCP - 4000KB - 10000KB. (Not stable upload speed)
Win7 64Bit. File is 2GB.
Script is:
open s -hostkey=*

option confirm off
option transfer binary
put -resumesupport=off test.test

What CPU usage does WinSCP process have while uploading? Does it max a CPU core?

Hi! I have WinSCP
I use SFTP connection.
Upload speed of WinSCP is 4000KB.
Upload speed of FileZilla is 12000KB.

I upload single file.
What logs I have to send to You?

@lukinhasb: Please post the logs with this settings. Both WinSCP (5.8.4) and FileZilla.

Allright, I'm using this setting, and I can confirm Filezilla works 10x faster than WinSCP. We can Teamviewer so you can see it yourself if you wish.

When you select the FTP protocol, you get Encryption box on the right. Select "TLS/SSL explicit encryption" there.

Where do I enable it?

Thanks for the logs. Can you enable TLS in WinSCP to make the sessions identical? I do not expect this to fix the problem, but I just want to remove any differences before starting the investigation. Post new logs then.

Fly, attachments, flyyyy!!

Slow upload speed

I also have low upload speed! :(

Re: Slow upload speed

Please attach a full log file from both clients.

To generate log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

Slow upload speed

I'm using WinSCP 5.8.3 RC3 (Build 6701)

Upload speed of (45mb) using WinSCP -> 30kb/s
Upload speed of (45mb) using Filezilla -> 680kb/s

Both are using FTP connections, No Ecryption mode.

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