have emailed the log file back via the email you sent me.
Yes, you can use your INI file with the debug build.
l'll take a gander later on when lve stuff to download using winscp on the server.
is it ok for me to copy over the ini/com files so l have my details, you see l have a few sites and annoyingly l cant remember their passwords and havent needed to for a while
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.
usually by right clicking then going into the download dialogue and either the top download option or the bottom "download and delete" one.
on the previous version l used both of those options were on the same right click menu (but l was using quite an old version and recently went on an updating spree using that program l previously mentioned).
So how exactly do you trigger a file transfer?
Can you post few screenshots documenting the process?
no, according to the about page lm using 5.9.2 (build: 6958), downloaded latest stable about a week ago from this site.. tho l have been using Ninite to stay on top of software updates since my system rebuild/upgrade which prior to this build l wasnt actually doing as often.. that said the version on my laptop is managing files like it used to so it sort of doesnt make sense that the settings on one system dont seem to work properly when set exactly the same on another.
lve just checked the settings, that option is actually already checked in my settings, but for some reason its not always adding files to the queue..
in some folders lm all the dialogues are already ticked but in others if l forget to tick the box before l download to add things to the queue.
lve been trying to find the setting that automatically adds downloads/uploads to the queue.
to be more precise there are two tick boxes when the download dialogue is still active or at least there used to be in the older version l used to use by default..
what lm trying to achieve is the tick box labelled "transfer in background (add to queue)" and any other related tick boxes to be automatically checked so l dont have to keep on enabling the setting.
so if anyone knows where that setting is l would be greatly appreciated as for some reason l cant seem to remember where it was as its been about 4 years since l last needed to mess with the settings (just built a new PC so l did a clean install rather than using system images which had everything setup leaving me only needing to update before so l never needed to remember).