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Re: "No matching file found"

Thank you for pointing in the right direction Martin, I managed to resolve the issue.


Re: "No matching file found"

Anyone, please?

I tried to use the session.MoveFile command to remotely rename the file, but since the file cant be found (although it is there) when the [ character is in the filename, the command is unsuccesssful.

Kind regards

"No matching file found"

I have a weird issue.

Using the .NET assembly in a VB.NET application to download files from an sFTP server. It works fine but whenever there is a file with the character [ in the filename, I get "No matching file found" error. It seems that it wont find the file on the remote server.

From the log:
 2017-01-02 14:34:09.860 E[testfile].pdf;-;22546;2016-12-30T08:43:04.000Z;3;"" [0];"" [0];rw-rw----;0
< 2017-01-02 14:34:09.860 Script: No file matching 'E[testfile].pdf' found.

If I remove the [ character in the filename the file downloads fine.

Is there a limitation on having files with the [ character in it?
