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Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

Aker wrote:

Then what about the second question, really wonder what makes the difference.

In the session to *nix server, you have downloaded trdp_chan_conf.txt first on foreground session. There no such download in the session for embedded system.

Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

Figured out the first problem, the embedded system just implemented a RAW TCP stack, and have no SOCKET interface.
Multiple connections to port 21 is not achiveable since the RAW TCP stack only set one TCP port bind to 21, if one connection take the port, no port left to response to feather connections.

Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

Then what about the second question, really wonder what makes the difference.

Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

Anonymous wrote:

1. Why background transfer start to connect the embedded system port 21 since the control link have already taken port 21?

You cannot have multiple transfers (data connections) for one control connection with FTP. For each transfer, you need to have a dedicated control connection.

Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

There are 2 problems:

1. Why background transfer start to connect the embedded system port 21 since the control link have already taken port 21?

In the wireshark capture, timeline of the embedded system as follow:

1) WinSCP control port 2341 establish a control link to embedded system port 21
2) Some FTP commands to show the folder view
3) When user start a transfer in background WinSCP use port 2344 send a SYN frame to embedded system port 21.

TCP ports can only establish a connection with one port a time. If port 2341 has connected to port 21, any SYN frame
will be refused naturally before 2341 end the link with port 21.

2. What makes the difference of WinSCP choose between 'send a PASV command' and 'connect port 21 again'?

When user start a transfer in background to download the UNIX system's file, WinSCP send a PASV command.
When user start a transfer in background to download the embedded system's file, WinSCP use port 2344 to connect port 21.

User takes the same activity, but WinSCP response it with different behavior.

Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

OK, so when the question is about background transfer actually, I'm not sure, what the supposed problem is.

Everything looks ok to me. Except that the embedded system refuses the second (background) connection. I cannot tell why.

Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

Thanks for the logs. I'll get back to this in about a week.

Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

Here are the Log files and a compressed file of the WireShark capture files.

IP: is my own embedded system
IP: is a standard UNIX machine

Download without the "transfer in background" option gose well with my system
When the "transfer in background" option is checked, WinSCP start to connect my system port 21 through another port while the control link has already established with port 21.A tcp SYN frame is sent from client machine to my embedded system port 21.

In the log file of the standard UNIX machine, the background transfer also logged that WinSCP connected the machine fist, but I didn't see a tcp SYN frame sent from WinSCP to the machine port 21 in the capture of WireShark.

Re: Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

Please attach a full session log file for both servers (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate the session log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

Couldn't Start A File Retrieve

When I use WinSCP to access a UNIX machine by FTP,
file retrieve can be performed normally, start by
a PASV command.

But when I use WinSCP to access my own Embedded
system by FTP, while the list command can be performed
normally but the file retrieve command can not. WinSCP
start to connect the 21(FTP)port through another port
as it already has a control link.In normal procedure,
it should send a PASV command instead of doing that.

Attachments below show the wireshark capture of the
two different behaviors.

I wonder what makes WinSCP do file retrieve in the two
different ways.

当我使用WinSCP访问标准Unix FTP服务的时候可以正常的使用下载功能下载文件
