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Topic review


Thanks - I was sure it previously only showed the message prior to sending updates. No biggie though, just nice to have subdirectories not all going across :D

The "change in directory detected" means that Windows reported to WinSCP that something has changed in the folders of interest.

WinSCP then looks, if the change does justify a new upload. If it does not, nothing happens. Though I can see, that it is confusing. I'll look into it.

Thanks, Martin

So far so good, the test version seems to have stopped syncing the sub-directory. I did notice though that it now seems to report three things:

1. change in directory detected
2. file xyz uploaded
3. change in directory detected

It does this each time I save a file. I can understand 1 & 2, but don't quite understand why I'm seeing 3? Obviously not a major issue, but thought I may as well report!

Re: Keep remote directory up to date - issue with subdirectories

Thanks for the log. You are right.

This bug has been added to the tracker:

I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Re: Keep remote directory up to date - issue with subdirectories

OK logfile attached.

Procedure to replicate
Have more sub-directories on local folder than server
Connect to server
Ensure 'update subdirectories' not ticked
Enable 'keep remote directories up to date'
Note that any changes in home directory are correctly synced
Change one of the files in that directory
Note that WinSCP now tries to sync all the sub-directories too, rather than ignoring them

OK thanks, will keep an eye on it. It has done it multiple times over the past couple of days but working just now so will wait until it does it again then enable logging and send!

(sorry, didn't realise forum let you post without registering! please delete 'guest' post :) )

OK thanks, will keep an eye on it. It has done it multiple times over the past couple of days but working just now so will wait until it does it again then enable logging and send!

Re: Keep remote directory up to date - issue with subdirectories

Thanks for your report.
Though I cannot reproduce the problem.

Please attach a full session log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP) along with some screenshots and step-by-step instructions for reproducing the problem.

To generate the session log file, enable logging, log in to your server and do the operation and only the operation that causes the error. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. Note that passwords and passphrases not stored in the log. You may want to remove other data you consider sensitive though, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names (unless they are relevant to the problem). If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.

Keep remote directory up to date - issue with subdirectories

Hi folks

Love WinSCP, been using it for a couple of months. Just noticed recently that despite the option 'update subdirectories' being left unchecked, it is repeatedly uploading subdirectories to the server.

This doesn't happen when I first activate the keep remote dir option (it only uploads files changed in the base directory selected), but the first time a file changes it then starts uploading all subdirectories. I sometimes find if I check and uncheck update subdirectories it'll stop doing it, but it does seem to be doing it most of the time. I'm running the latest version.

Any ideas what's going on or how to sort it?
