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Hi Martin,
Thanks for the reply.
I am using the latest version that is on your download page.
Should I be installing a separate extension to make this work?
Here is the process I follow;
Select multiple files in the explorer view of WinSCP -> RIGHT CLICK on any of the selected files -> select 'File Custom Commands' -> Generate HTTP URL -> PASTE

UPDATE: As I typed this there was a new WinSCP update. Going through the above process, now seems to be working.
Thanks for getting it to work!


peter_a_brown wrote:

Hi Martin,
In Bug# 1567 it shows this as being fixed, but I have the latest version installed, and you still cannot PASTE MULTIPLE selected files simultaneously into anything.
It only seems to generate an HTTP URL for a single file and not all files selected.
Can you please revisit this?

Works for me. Can you post some screenshots documenting, how are you using the function?
Also, are you using the version of extension distributed with WinSCP? Aren't you using some version, you have downloaded manually in the past?

Hi Martin,
In Bug# 1567 it shows this as being fixed, but I have the latest version installed, and you still cannot PASTE MULTIPLE selected files simultaneously into anything.
It only seems to generate an HTTP URL for a single file and not all files selected.
Can you please revisit this?

dragon wrote:

Can anyone please help me configure Generate HTTP URL extension? I have read the extension page but I still not understand how to configure it correctly. I always has error 259 when Generate HTTP URL
I want to change to

Please start a new thread and show us a full 259 error (verbatim copy or even a screenshot). We do not know what 259 error is.

peter_a_brown wrote:

How do you do this then to generate MULTIPLE HTTP URLs in one operation?
Whenever I select say three files in WinSCP from the remote FTP host, I then RIGHT click the selected files --> 'File Custom Commands' --> 'Generate HTTP URL'.
I then paste into say notepad, and there is only a single URL there rather than ALL three.
Please advise.

OK, you are right. It indeed does not work with "Copy URL to clipboard". I was testing it with "Display URL", with which it works.
This issue has been added to the tracker:
You can install the fixed extension from:

Can anyone please help me configure Generate HTTP URL extension? I have read the extension page but I still not understand how to configure it correctly. I always has error 259 when Generate HTTP URL
I want to change to

Hi Martin,
Any updates concerning the above issue with MULTIPLE HTTP URLs being generated?

Hi Martin,
Thanks for your reply.
> Quote: "You can only generate an HTTP URL for a single file. If you have 10,20,100 links you need to create, you cannot just select all of the files at once to create URLs for in the clipboard, you have to do them individually 10,20,100 times based on need."

>Reply: That's not true. You can select the files and run the extension on the selection.
How do you do this then to generate MULTIPLE HTTP URLs in one operation?
Whenever I select say three files in WinSCP from the remote FTP host, I then RIGHT click the selected files --> 'File Custom Commands' --> 'Generate HTTP URL'.
I then paste into say notepad, and there is only a single URL there rather than ALL three.
Please advise.


Re: Generate HTTP URL fixed/fully implemented

peter_a_brown wrote:

Fixed: All space chars should be changed to %20 in the generated URL string so that it can properly be pasted as escaped HTTP links.

This issue has been added to the tracker:

Fully: You can only generate an HTTP URL for a single file. If you have 10,20,100 links you need to create, you cannot just select all of the files at once to create URLs for in the clipboard, you have to do them individually 10,20,100 times based on need.

That's not true. You can select the files and run the extension on the selection.

Generate HTTP URL fixed/fully implemented

-- Generate HTTP URL fixed/fully implemented --

Currently this feature is not fixed/fully implemented.

Fixed: All space chars should be changed to %20 in the generated URL string so that it can properly be pasted as escaped HTTP links.

Fully: You can only generate an HTTP URL for a single file. If you have 10,20,100 links you need to create, you cannot just select all of the files at once to create URLs for in the clipboard, you have to do them individually 10,20,100 times based on need.

The features above currently are currently implemented in your competition SmartFTP ('copy http url' function).
