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Topic review


kaplan71 wrote:

Hello --

When I do a drag and drop of the selected files and folders, the contents immediately start to get copied over rather than my being prompted, and there being the option to generate a script within the dropdown menu.

OK, you must have disabled confirmations of drag&drop operations.
Either enable it again:
Or use menu or keyboard shortcut instead of drag&drop.

Hello --

When I do a drag and drop of the selected files and folders, the contents immediately start to get copied over rather than my being prompted, and there being the option to generate a script within the dropdown menu.

Re: Generate script not available

What does it mean "has become unavailable"? It's not there anymore? Or is it disabled?
The command is there always (if you use a recent version of WinSCP). It's disabled only, if you have no connection open.

Generate script not available

Hello --

The generate script option in the Commander GUI interface has become unavailable, and I wanted to know how can I get it back?
