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Go to SSH > Authentication page of Advanced Site Settings dialog:

Click Tools > Generate New Key Pair with PuTTYgen. In PuTTYgen, generate a new key and save it to a local drive. WinSCP should detect that and insert a path to the key file to the Private key file box.

Now repeat the same for the mapped network drive. Does it work or not?

Yes, the explorer automatically shows the file just after i saved it from notepad.

If you open that mapped drive in Windows Explorer and create a file on the drive somehow (e.g. saving a new file from Notepad), does the Explorer window show the file automatically (without manual refresh)?


> Is the network drive mapped or not?
Yes, the drive is mapped (This PC -> Map network drive), but the problem is also actual for any network path.

> What version of Windows?
Windows 10 Pro 1803.

> What version of WinSCP? Installed or portable or downloaded from Microsoft Store?
WinSCP 5.14.1 beta (Build 8909), portable, i downloaded it from this site.

Re: Drag to folder on network drive

Thanks for your report.
Can you tell us more about the problem? Is the network drive mapped or not? What version of Windows? What version of WinSCP? Installed or portable or downloaded from Microsoft Store?

Drag to folder on network drive

Drag to folder on network drive is not working - see attachment.