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Anonymous wrote:

A friend gave me the idea to switch protocol and now it works with SCP protocol!
SFTP and SCP fallback does not allow me to move files from one partition to another on my server.

Can you explain to me why that is?

Probably the "mv" command on your server allows moving files across partitions, while SFTP server does not.

Thx for your fast reply!

A friend gave me the idea to switch protocol and now it works with SCP protocol!
SFTP and SCP fallback does not allow me to move files from one partition to another on my server.

Can you explain to me why that is?

Re: error code 4 when moving files from partition to partition

AFAIK, OpenSSH server does not support moving files from one partition to another, so I'm surprised that it ever worked for you. See FAQ.

error code 4 when moving files from partition to partition

I just used WinSCP 3.68 to move files / folders from one partition to another and it worked flawlessly until yesterday.
I got this message:

General failure (server should provide error description).
Error code: 4
Error message from server: Failure
Request code: 18

I have not changed anything on my lunix router /fileserver in the last days. Moving of files / folders on the same partition is not a problem.
I updated Winscp to newest version 3.76 but it did no help to solve the problem.

Does anybody have /had the same problem or an idea to fix it ?