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It's a .bat script, that I run from my Windows Desktop ... So, it didn't use a particular account ...
This is the script launched by WinSCP :
option confirm off
cd ../../exec/applis/myAppli/current/logs
option transfer binary
get *.log c:\myDirectory\

I've read your FAQ, I have activated the .ini file and configured the options of cache I wanted:

It works! thank you for your help!

I have try at this moment, but it doesn't works :( ...

I use a script that recover the logs from several servers :
 rem boucle sur les serveurs 
for /L %%i in (68,1,80) do call ::Go %%i
goto :end
 rem Creation du fichier des commandes SFTP
echo option confirm off>sftp.txt
echo open>>sftp.txt
echo cd ../../exec/applis/myAppli/current/logs>>sftp.txt
echo option transfer binary>>sftp.txt
echo get *.log c:\recup_FTP\80\>>sftp.txt
echo close>>sftp.txt
rem echo exit>>sftp.txt
winscp3 /console /script=sftp.txt

as you can see, I make my script for each server, opening the session with login, password and host in parameter.

how can I open a session stored in WinSCP? I have tried to use the command:
open nameOfMySession

but then it ask for the login and password :-( ...

Re: problem with cache using script

Both command line parameter and script command open parameter can be name of stored session. Only if the value is not existing session it is treated (parsed) as an URL.

winscp3 /?

help open

(from console)

Edit 2021: But it's not recommended to use stored session in scripting,

Re: problem with cache using script

we can use the stored sessions from the scripts ?? because I have stored all the session I use to launch (one per server), so if it's possible to launch them, it would be interessant to me :-) ...

however, if you have an example calling a session with all parameters defined (host, login ...) and an example with a session "empty", I would be very happy :-)

Re: problem with cache using script

Setup a stored session with option "Cache directory changes" turned off. Use that stored session from your script.

problem with cache using script

I use a script in order to recover my log files on the server. They're in a path like : exec/applis/myAppli/current/logs, current indicating the active version of the application.

When I launch my script, instead of going in active "current", WinSCP goes in the last "current" visited on this server. I tried to empty the cache via WinSCP, but it doesn't works.

An idea how to regulate this problem ?