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Re: Not sure if bug, But password prompt shows up after first file edit after logging in.

martin wrote:

Didn't you turn off "Remember password for duration of the session" inadvertently?

Ah yes, that's it! I must have overlooked that option..

Re: Not sure if bug, But password prompt shows up after first file edit after logging in.

Didn't you turn off "Remember password for duration of the session" inadvertently?

Not sure if bug, But password prompt shows up after first file edit after logging in.

I've got this for a while now and its very annoying, when I connect to a server with SFTP and want to edit a file there. When you save the changes to the server a password prompt appears asking again for the password. I've looked this up in the settings bug can't find anything related to this, is this a bug? I'm using the last version of WinSCP and have this issue for a few versions now.

There is no general/questions forum, so I had to post it here, excuses.[/i]