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Topic review


Re: The RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime.Millisecond value is always 0.

I thought so.
In my opinion, the simplest and most reliable solution would be to reset the milliseconds of the local file:
Dim fiLocalFile As New FileInfo("PathToLocalFile")
Dim rfiRemoteFile As RemoteFileInfo
rfiRemoteFile = sessionSSH.GetFileInfo("PathToRemoteFile")
fiLocalFile.LastWriteTime.AddMilliseconds(-fiLocalFile.LastWriteTime.Millisecond) = rfiRemoteFile.LastWriteTime = True

Re: The RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime.Millisecond value is always 0.

How, then, to learn that the local and remote files are the same?

Re: The RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime.Millisecond value is always 0.

Very few servers (if any at all) provide timestamps with milliseconds precision.

The RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime.Millisecond value is always 0.

After sending the file to the SSH server, the RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime.Millisecond value becomes 0.
Therefore, the date value of the local file is almost always greater than the date value of the remote file.
Dim fiLocalFile As New FileInfo("PathToLocalFile")
Dim rfiRemoteFile As RemoteFileInfo
rfiRemoteFile = sessionSSH.GetFileInfo("PathToRemoteFile")
fiLocalFile.LastWriteTime > rfiRemoteFile.LastWriteTime = True

Why the value of RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime.Millisecond is equal to 0?