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Re: thanks but two annoyances...

webdesires wrote:

2 problems with the explorer view though, there is no "up a directory" folder at the top so if you have the tree disabled (I dont very much like tree interfaces), your screwed.

The second issue, if you was going to use the tree interface then why does it STILL show folders in the other interface too? seems a bit redundant.

Well, the interface kind of mimics that standard Windows File Explorer. So it has "up" button on the toolbar. And it shows folders both in the tree and the file list.

thanks but two annoyances...

This is a great solution, always felt the local file browser was a waste of space...

2 problems with the explorer view though, there is no "up a directory" folder at the top so if you have the tree disabled (I dont very much like tree interfaces), your screwed.

The second issue, if you was going to use the tree interface then why does it STILL show folders in the other interface too? seems a bit redundant.

Of course some people might prefer both, would be nice to just have options to enable disable these.

Is it possible to hide the Local Panel completely?

I simply don't use it. Is it possible to hide it? Thank you.