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Re: Looking to gain performance. Syncronize taking 2.5 hours

You will have to first find our what causes the synchronization to take so long.
Does it take WinSCP long to find what files has changed?
Or does it take long to transfer the changed files? Does it take long because of a bandwidth? Or because of a network latency? Etc, etc.

Only once you understand that, it makes sense to start with any optimization.

Re: Looking to gain performance. Syncronize taking 2.5 hours

As a new team member, I have been tasked to see we can speed up our nightly synchronization process from our Hosting web server to our production We server. 2.5 – 3 hours to sync up folders. Was hoping compression would help with overall process. Thinking "only" new files after certain date as well from source as to not need to compare each folder etc. Looking at packet size limits see if anything there I can tweak. Trying to stay with WinSCP instead of replacing with other options. Thank you

Re: Looking to gain performance. Syncronize taking 2.5 hours

The synchronize command transfers newer files only on its own. That's the point of the command.

What are you trying to achieve?

Looking to gain performance. Syncronize taking 2.5 hours

This did not help like I was hoping.
open sftp://.../ -rawsettings Compression=1

Looking into another option that would like to try. Not clear/sure where to add "Raw Transfer Settings".
Thought it would go at end of synchronize command?

In scripting, use -rawtransfersettings
synchronize local.....  -rawtranfersettings NewerOnly=1

I get this
Script: Too many parameters for command 'synchronize'.

txs again in Advance

/console /script automation for enabling compression

Team, looking for correct syntax/option to enable SSH "compression" via command line/script.

Currently my script file contains:
option batch off
option confirm off
open sftp:.....
option transfer binary
synchronize local ...........

Is it as simple as option compression on?

ty jd