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Re: The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

martin wrote:

Eric8isles wrote:

Anyone? Please help me.

If you want our help, then you need to provide us the information we ask for.
Once again: Please post logs both from the script and GUI.

I posted it. That information still not enough?

Re: The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

Eric8isles wrote:

Anyone? Please help me.

If you want our help, then you need to provide us the information we ask for.
Once again: Please post logs both from the script and GUI.

Re: The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

Anyone? Please help me. I had to copy my server backup manually these day without this script.

Re: The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

martin wrote:

So please post logs both from the script and GUI.
Though I would guess that the problem is due to a host key verification.

Script used to sync local script:
option batch abort 
option confirm off
open %1% -hostkey="%2%"
synchronize local %3% "%4%"

script used to copy backup from server
rem vps10 /ini=nul /script=SyncToLocalScript.txt /parameter sftp://xxxLOGINIDxxx:xxxPASSWORDxxx@xxxIPADDRESSxxx "ssh-ed25519 255 xxxSHA-256IDxxx="xxxSOURCExxx" xxxDESTINATIONxxx

Re: The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

Eric8isles wrote:

Let me correct myself. I used WinSCP to do backup for my server. And I used an automation script to copy backup file from my server to HDD. I can log into the server by WinSCP but the backup automation is rejected.

So please post logs both from the script and GUI.
Though I would guess that the problem is due to a host key verification.

Re: The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

Eric8isles wrote:

martin wrote:

Can you connect with any other SFTP/SSH client?

I can log in by using FileZilla.

Let me correct myself. I used WinSCP to do backup for my server. And I used an automation script to copy backup file from my server to HDD. I can log into the server by WinSCP but the backup automation is rejected.

Re: The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

martin wrote:

Can you connect with any other SFTP/SSH client?

I can log in by using FileZilla.

Re: The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

Can you connect with any other SFTP/SSH client?

The server rejected SFTP connection, but it listens for FTP connections.

I started having this error after I changed my server SSH default port 22.

I already changed the port number in the software WinSCP but still getting this error.

Does anyone have a solution for this?