I did not receive any email. Could you please re-send me the 5.18 version?
I've sent it again. Also, 5.18 beta will most probably be released the next week anyway.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
I did not receive any email. Could you please re-send me the 5.18 version?
could I get the developement version too? I have the same problem and I see you fixed it in version 5.18, which is still not available.
I am developing an application to run on National Instruments hardware running their WebDAV server. I've reviewed the discussions regarding bug 1876 and it certainly appears that this is same issue. I am not able to see files that contain a space character when contacting the remote target from WinSCP. Could you provide me with access to the 5.18 beta release? I'm hoping this will help me convince their tech support staff that this is an issue that needs fixing on their end. I've attached a log for reference in case it helps. Thanks in advance.
<D:href>/files/u/This is the miniCORSAIR USB.txt</D:href>