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Topic review

Geoff Harmer

Re: WinSCP latest version 5.17.3 on Windows 10 opens to Rasberry Pi but doesn't show laptop files

martin wrote:

I do not see any blank area on your screenshot.
You have configured the Explorer interface. It does not show any local files.
You probably want the Commander interface:

Thanks for explaining, but since I have used Explorer since it started many, many years ago and I can get WinSCP to work linking Explorer to what WinSCP creates, I am not going to install Commander since I have zero experience of that. Incidentally, I now have seen that the online explanation of WinSCP does explain everything about using Explorer and/or Commander.
Thanks again.

Re: WinSCP latest version 5.17.3 on Windows 10 opens to Rasberry Pi but doesn't show laptop files

Once again, I believe you wanted the Commander interface:
What is the default one. It has both local and remote panel.
You must have switched to the Explorer interface by mistake. Explorer interface has the remote panel only.

Re: WinSCP latest version 5.17.3 on Windows 10 opens to Rasberry Pi but doesn't show laptop files

martin wrote:

I do not see any blank area on your screenshot.
You have configured the Explorer interface. It does not show any local files.
You probably want the Commander interface:

Thanks a lot Martin
Looking at your message made me realise I have to run WinSCP on my Windows 10 laptop in order to link to my Raspberry Pi and that sets up the Raspberry Pi screen correctly on my laptop, as you said.

Then, I had to open my Windows 10 laptop's File Explorer and ensure it is not full page but reduced in size so that File Explorer and WinSCP are two windows. I then dragged a file from File Explorer to WinSCP and it exactly transferred the file to the Raspberry Pi.

I couldn't find any explanatory text in my installed WinSCP that told me to do that which is why I was so puzzled.

Best wishes
Geoff Harmer

WinSCP latest version 5.17.3 on Windows 10 opens to Rasberry Pi but doesn't show laptop files

I haven't used WinSCP for many years, so I deleted it completely, rebooted and reinstalled the latest version WinSCP 5.17.3 on my Toshiba Portege laptop running Windows 10 version 1909

The WinSCP file opens but is not displaying the Windows 10 directories at all. That area is blank.

From WinSCP, I can fully enter the Raspberry Pi address username and password and it displays all of its data and that fills both the Home area to the left and the external block to the right.

I have tried everything in the WinSCP commands, but nothing can get the directory of the laptop displayed on the left.

I hope you have a view on this problem.
