Hi martin,
Finally I see it! I need to activate the "Transfer Settings" toolbar (Options->Toolbar->(enable)Transfer Settings), and then inside the listbox select "Configure". Inside this window I need to select the "Default" configuration, Duplicate it, and Edit. Inside I can disable the default "Common options"->"Preserve timestamp", save, return to the session window, and Select the duplicated "Default without preserver tiemstamp" Transfer Setting.
Very, very hard to found it... and not well documented. However, it works.
Thank you!
Finally I see it! I need to activate the "Transfer Settings" toolbar (Options->Toolbar->(enable)Transfer Settings), and then inside the listbox select "Configure". Inside this window I need to select the "Default" configuration, Duplicate it, and Edit. Inside I can disable the default "Common options"->"Preserve timestamp", save, return to the session window, and Select the duplicated "Default without preserver tiemstamp" Transfer Setting.
Very, very hard to found it... and not well documented. However, it works.
Thank you!