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Re: Error retrieving directory listing for a sub folder

martin wrote:

Any chance you have set an external IP address in 5.0.6?

I'll be damned, it was set! Although I really don't remember setting it :P
Anyway, sure enough, it let me in, and then with passive mode turned off, it's able list the 'www' directory. Wow, still a mystery why it would have been set, or why I would've set it, but apparently that was it!

Thanks! :mrgreen:

Re: Error retrieving directory listing for a sub folder

martin wrote:

Can you post a log file from 5.0.6 with active mode?

Log attached =)

Re: Error retrieving directory listing for a sub folder

Can you post a log file from 5.0.6 with active mode?

Re: Error retrieving directory listing for a sub folder

martin wrote:

I do not understand what's wrong. Anyway, difference between 5.0 and 5.0.6 is that 5.0 defaults to active mode, while 5.0.6 defaults to passive mode. Try to switch 5.0.6 to active mode.

Well, not sure if that fixes the issue, because with Passive Mode unchecked, I now get an error message "Disconnected from server; Could not retrieve directory listing; Type set to A; Error listing directory '/'."

I have done a "work-around" in that I can SSH to the server on another port using the SCP protocol. Then I have no issues with anything even on beta 5.0.6. So I really appreciate the help you've offered. If you would like to continue using me to test this bug, I have no problems helping out, but it's no longer pressing! :D

Re: Error retrieving directory listing for a sub folder

I do not understand what's wrong. Anyway, difference between 5.0 and 5.0.6 is that 5.0 defaults to active mode, while 5.0.6 defaults to passive mode. Try to switch 5.0.6 to active mode.

Re: Error retrieving directory listing for a sub folder

martin wrote:

Please post (or email) a full log file both from 5.0 beta and the 5.0.6 beta

Log attached!

Re: Error retrieving directory listing for a sub folder

Please post (or email) a full log file both from 5.0 beta and the 5.0.6 beta

Error retrieving directory listing for a sub folder

Upon navigating to sub-folder '/public_html/www', I receive an error:
Could not retrieve directory listing

409-a: No suck file or directory

This error was introduced in 5.0.2-Beta (and possibly 5.0.1-Beta, but I was never able to get that far) as it worked fine in 5.0-Beta...Actually, 5.0-Beta is somehow the *ONLY* version that seems to work?? I don't know, and it's only the one directory. Kinda driving me nuts!

Windows 7 x64