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Topic review


?? exit => exist!!

You mean exist directory

isn't it?

Re: how can I make sure whether the directory is exit or not

xxkwanglei wrote:

the example shows whether a file in the directory or not, my question is how can I make sure whether the directory is exit or not,if the directory is not exit ,I have to create it before put files in the directory.

I'm not sure if understand your problem. Anyway, note the the method works for directories too.

Re: how can I make sure whether the directory is exit or not

the example shows whether a file in the directory or not, my question is how can I make sure whether the directory is exit or not,if the directory is not exit ,I have to create it before put files in the directory.

how can I make sure whether the directory is exit or not

in .NET C#
before using seesion.CreatDirectory("PATH") to create directory,I want to make sure whether the directory is exit or not?
how can I do?