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Re: WinSCP and native FTP.exe

mikeecho wrote:

I am very new to WinSCP and would like to know if I load WinSCP on my server will it affect my legacy programs currently running on the server that use the native ftp.exe to comunicate with a remote ftp server?
(We plan to switch to sftp, and need to do some testing before switching. Just want to make sure i will not cause problems to existing running production ftp programs)

WinSCP won't interfere with ftp.exe nor any other FTP client.
For migration from ftp.exe to WinSCP, see:

Secondly I would like to know if anyone can tell me if the latest WinSCP is compatible with the Windows Server 2003 OS?

WinSCP should be working on Windows Server 2003 SP1. Though note that we do not actively test it on this system.

WinSCP and native FTP.exe


I am very new to WinSCP and would like to know if I load WinSCP on my server will it affect my legacy programs currently running on the server that use the native ftp.exe to comunicate with a remote ftp server?
(We plan to switch to sftp, and need to do some testing before switching. Just want to make sure i will not cause problems to existing running production ftp programs)

Secondly I would like to know if anyone can tell me if the latest WinSCP is compatible with the Windows Server 2003 OS?

Any help will be appreciated
