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Re: Problem is back in WinSCP 3.7.1

I recently upgraded to WinSCP 3.7.1 (on Windows XP) and this problem is back.

Can you confirm that the problem is not present in 3.7 beta?

Problem is back in WinSCP 3.7.1

I recently upgraded to WinSCP 3.7.1 (on Windows XP) and this problem is back. I have seen it in other software; and from the research I did at the time this is a result of an old windows API call to list drives and its interaction with removeable disk (Flash) drives (I have a USB Flash drive reader on my machine, always plugged in, fairly rarely with a disk in it; when there is a disk in it the error message does not appear - P.S. I get this message once per 'drive', as my USB reader shows up as 2 drives the error appears 2x.

Error message:
WinSCP3.exe - No Disk
There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk2\DR14.
Cancel Try Again Continue

Re: Warning message.

martin wrote:

Guest wrote:

Yes, that seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you very much.

Thanks, that are good news. However I would like to see at least one more independent confirmation :-)

Update: There's final version without the tracing ability. I would like to have confirmed that it works as well.

Yes, the final version works just fine. Thank you for fixing the problem.

Re: Warning message.

Guest wrote:

Yes, that seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you very much.

Thanks, that are good news. However I would like to see at least one more independent confirmation :-)

Update: There's final version without the tracing ability. I would like to have confirmed that it works as well.

Re: Warning message.

martin wrote:

Can someone try test version of WinSCP? Let me know if it fixes the problem.

Yes, that seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you very much.

Re: Warning message.

Can someone try test version of WinSCP? Let me know if it fixes the problem.

Re: Warning message.

Guest wrote:

Here is the winscptrace.log file:


Warning message.

Here is the winscptrace.log file:

[7:54:48 AM] WinMain.cpp:421:Execute
[7:54:48 AM] WinMain.cpp:32:GetLoginData
[7:54:51 AM] WinMain.cpp:106:GetLoginData
[7:54:51 AM] WinMain.cpp:509:Execute
Execute before connect
[7:54:53 AM] WinMain.cpp:512:Execute
Execute before connected
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDirView 1
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TIEPathComboBox.Create 1
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TIEPathComboBox.Create 2
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TIEPathComboBox.Create 3
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TIEPathComboBox.Create 4
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.Create 1
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.CreateWnd 1
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.Loaded 1
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes drive A
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes flags 12 C
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes read drives 1
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 1
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 2
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 3
[7:54:53 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 4
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 5
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 8
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 9
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 10
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 11
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 12
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 13
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 15
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes valid 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes pidl 0, init 1, ready 0, type 2, name "3½ Floppy (A:)"
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes pretty name "A: 3½ Floppy ", serial "0", size -1, image 0, fs "", flags 0
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 2
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 3
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 4
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 5
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 6
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 9
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 10
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 11
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes drive B
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes flags 12 C
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes read drives 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 2
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 3
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes valid 0
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes pidl 0, init 1, ready 0, type 1, name ""
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes pretty name "", serial "0", size 0, image 0, fs "", flags 0
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes drive C
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes flags 12 C
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes read drives 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 2
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 3
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 4
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 5
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 8
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 9
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 10
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 11
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 12
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 13
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 15
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes valid 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes pidl 87F60, init 1, ready 0, type 3, name "Local Disk (C:)"
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes pretty name "C: Local Disk ", serial "0", size -1, image 0, fs "", flags 0
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 2
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 2
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr path "C:\"
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr pidl "0"
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr pidl "881E0"
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 3
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr attr 800F0000
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 4
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr attr 80000000
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 5
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 6
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 7
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 3
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 4
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 5
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 6
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 9
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 10
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 11
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes drive D
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes flags 12 C
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes read drives 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 2
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 3
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 4
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 5
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 8
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 9
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 10
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 11
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 12
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 13
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
ReadDriveStatus 15
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes valid 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes pidl 7A020, init 1, ready 0, type 2, name "Zip 250 (D:)"
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes pretty name "D: Zip 250 ", serial "0", size -1, image 0, fs "", flags 0
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.RefreshRootNodes 2
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 1
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr 2
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr path "D:\"
[7:54:54 AM] PAS:0:unk
TDriveView.GetNodeShellAttr pidl "0"

Re: Warning message.

Guest wrote:

I double checked this, and verified that I start seeing the problem with version 3.6.5 beta. I am running Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 1.

Another one has confirmed me that the problem was introduced in 3.6.6. I'm quite confused :-(

Anyway, can anyone download debug version of WinSCP?

It produces trace log to file defined by WINSCPTRACE environment variable.
You may use .bat file like following to run it. Just modify it to point to writeable location on your system.:

set WINSCPTRACE=c:\winscptrace.log


Update: I've forgot one important thing: I need the copy of the file in the time when the error message appears. I.e. let the error show and make the copy of the file, before you press any button and send me the copy.

Update2: Version with more verbose tracing was uploaded. The link above has been updated to point to the new version.

Update3: Another update of the tracing.

Warning message.

I double checked this, and verified that I start seeing the problem with version 3.6.5 beta. I am running Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 1.

Re: Warning message.

Guest wrote:

The version that the problem was introduced is 3.6.5 beta. Version 3.6.1 does not have the problem.

Can you please duble check this. Someone in the other post says that the problem was not present in 3.6.5 beta yet.

Warning message.

The version that the problem was introduced is 3.6.5 beta. Version 3.6.1 does not have the problem.

Re: Warning message.

Please follow to this topic.
Can you check for me, in what version of WinSCP the problem was introduced? You may download the older versions on Sourceforge.

Warning message.

After updating to versions 3.6.6 and 3.6.7, I get this warning message window when trying to connect:

WinSCP3.exe - No Disk

There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk1\DR1.

There are also three push buttons labeled:

Cancel, Try Again, and Continue.

Everything then works fine if I select Cancel or Continue. Do you know what the problem could be?