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Re: That did it.

You are welcome.

I also got a response from Cerberus:

Hello Martin,

You are absolutely right. I'm not sure how that went undetected for so long, but it probably has to do with the relatively small number of clients that use SFTP version 6 (until recently).

I've fixed the issue and tested it against a slightly older version of WinSCP. The next minor release will have the fix in it.

Thanks again.


Grant Averett
Cerberus, LLC

That did it.

I set the advanced options to use version 5 protocols and the entire directory was displayed.

Thank you for figuring this out.

Re: Only 117 files displayed

Thanks. It's a bug in an implementation of SFTP version 6 in the Cerberus SFTP server.
The psftp and FileZilla use SFTP version 3, so the bug does not manifest, when using these clients.

I have implemented a workaround for the bug:

I'm sending you a dev version for testing to your email.

Alternatively you can configure WinSCP to use SFTP version 5 or lower to mitigate the bug:

I have reported the bug to Cerberus support:


I'm the author of WinSCP SFTP client.

This is based on a report by our common user:

I've found that your SFTP server in SFTP version 6 always sets end-of-list field of SSH_FXP_NAME message to true. As WinSCP relies on this field, it stops reading the listing, resulting in display of an incomplete listing to the user.

Please correct this.

I have implemented a workaround for the bug:

Effectively, WinSCP now ignores the field when connected to the Cerberus SFTP server, not taking advantage offered by SFTP-6 that allows skipping one round-trip.

Have a nice day.

Martin Prikryl

Yes, I see all files with FileZilla or PSFTP.

Re: Only 117 files displayed

Well, it seems that the SFTP server returns only those 117 files. Can you see more files using any other SFTP client?

Only 117 files displayed

I am trying to use SFTP to transfer a large number of files. There are over 5,000 files in the directory. When I connect using either the GUI or Command line there are only 117 files listed. I have tried using filters to display additional files, but it says no files found. For instance there are a couple of XML files. If I issue ls *.xml there are no files returned. When issue get * only 117 files are downloaded.

I've attached a log file from the command session.