Re: Unknown command 'ssh-rsa'
I have responded to your Stack Overflow post.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
option batch abort
option confirm off
open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 redacted=ssh-rsa 2048 redacted"
synchronize remote D:\redactedDaily_Reports\redacted_Catalog_New_Item /upload/redacted_catalog
exit /script=SyncTo_redacted_catalog.txt /log=D:\redacted_Daily_Reports\winscp_log_catalog.txt
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.379 Access granted
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.379 Opening session as main channel
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.447 Opened main channel
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.583 Started a shell/command
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.583 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.584 Using SFTP protocol.
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.584 Doing startup conversation with host.
> 2019-03-06 23:39:28.584 Type: SSH_FXP_INIT, Size: 5, Number: -1
< 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 Type: SSH_FXP_VERSION, Size: 95, Number: -1
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 SFTP version 3 negotiated.
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 Unknown server extension"1"
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 Supports extension version "2"
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 Unknown server extension"2"
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 We believe the server has signed timestamps bug
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 We will use UTF-8 strings until server sends an invalid UTF-8 string as with SFTP version 3 and older UTF-8 strings are not mandatory
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 Limiting packet size to OpenSSH sftp-server limit of 262148 bytes
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 Getting current directory name.
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 Getting real path for '.'
> 2019-03-06 23:39:28.769 Type: SSH_FXP_REALPATH, Size: 10, Number: 16
< 2019-03-06 23:39:28.837 Type: SSH_FXP_NAME, Size: 23, Number: 16
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.837 Real path is '/'
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.837 Startup conversation with host finished.
< 2019-03-06 23:39:28.837 Script: Active session: [1]
> 2019-03-06 23:39:28.838 Script: ssh-rsa 2048 redacted
< 2019-03-06 23:39:28.838 Script: Unknown command 'ssh-rsa'.
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.838 Script: Failed
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.838 Script: Exit code: 1
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.838 Closing connection.
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.838 Sending special code: 12
. 2019-03-06 23:39:28.838 Sent EOF message