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Re: Login Timed Out (can't connect apparently)

That's expected. You get that when you connect to a server for the first time.
See Verifying the Host Key.
Typically, one just clicks Yes.

Re: Login Timed Out (can't connect apparently)

I can connect to my host with standard FTP. I no longer have FileZilla but
I tried the suggested change to the setup and got this message (which I don't understand).

Re: Login Timed Out (can't connect apparently)

If FileZilla can connect, then WinSCP should be able too.
More likely is that the instructions are incorrect or the server is broken.

Note that the text instructions (contrary to the screencast) say the hostname to use is ftp.PrimaryDomain, not sftp.PrimaryDomain.
Try that.

Can you actually connect with FileZilla or any other client? If you can connect, please post logs both from FileZilla and WinSCP.

Login Timed Out (can't connect apparently)

I can connect just fine using WinSCP to my host with standard FTP but when I attempt SFTP it's not connecting. I used the recommended settings shows (for FileZilla.) They don't list WinSCP but they do list other clients like (CuteFTP). Is it possible technology doesn't support WinSCP? See attachments please. Thanks for any help.
