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Re: Could not retrieve directory listing

Thanks for your report. Is there anything useful in server's log file?

Could not retrieve directory listing


  • WinSCP version: 6.3.6 (Build 15073 2024-11-25)
  • First time use (no upgrade)
  • Windows: Windows 10 Pro (10.0.19045 Build 19045_
  • Transfer protocol: FTP(S)
  • Using: GUI (Commander)
  • Remote: Apache FTP

I have a working FileZilla configuration which connects fine to an Apache FTP server. The same configuration (imported from FileZilla to WinSCP and only switched off 'remember last used directory') does not seem to want to play nice via WinSCP.

Attached the logs of FileZilla and WinSCP and the relevant parts of the WinSCP.ini file. I've made the attachment private in case I missed anonymizing some data. I sadly cannot provide logging from the server side at this point, also trying to find out the version of Apache FTP Server.

I've tried a lot of different tweaks to the configuration, but nothing seemed to work. Hopefully it's something very simple that I'm overlooking. In the mean time I'm trying to get more info on the Apache FTP version, but maybe this rings some bells.