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Re: want to use the plugin

sarguna wrote:

I saw some previous msg in the far plugin forum which says that we can use the source code of winscp for this purpose

Can u tell which are the classes i have to use or check out from winscp so that it would be easy for me to work out.

Please read FAQ.

Re: want to use the plugin

martin wrote:

winscp.dll is a plugin to FAR file manager. It is not a generic purpose SFTP library.

Thank you very much for replying

I saw some previous msg in the far plugin forum which says that we can use the source code of winscp for this purpose

Can u tell which are the classes i have to use or check out from winscp so that it would be easy for me to work out.


Re: want to use the plugin

winscp.dll is a plugin to FAR file manager. It is not a generic purpose SFTP library.

want to use the plugin

hi prikryl

I want to use u r made winscp.dll in my program

As such i want to make an SCP connection and transfer a file.

I don't know where to start with it and which are the functions exported from the dll.
I gone throught the previous message which said that it can be done by

TTerminal class

but still i m facing some problem as i am not getting the function i have to call for the establishing the connection

Plz take some time and help me out.

Thank you in advance for the solution.