Example winScp.dll
Thanks :o
You probably mean winscp.dll from WinSCP plugin for FAR. The DLL relies on FAR manager environment, so cannot use it unless you "emulate" FAR envorinment. This would be too difficult I guess. If you have C++Builder 6, you may use the source code of WinSCP. You need just ScpCode.lib library (core subdirectory).
BTW, I'm going to delete your other 6 duplicate posts.
Some hints:
- Do not create instance of TFileSystem by yourself. TTerminal creates its own. Call methods of TTerminal only. To specify SCP transfer mode, use:
SessionData->FSProtocol = fsSCPonly
- Unresolved externals: you need to implement these functions in your application. See for example:
You should here assign Configuration to Terminal:/* Configuration is declared as TConfiguration Configuration
in header file*/
Configuration = new TConfiguration();
There is no Param 2. Use these constants (from Terminal.h):Terminal->CopyToRemote(FilesToCopy,"/home/fvelez", CopyParam,2);
It is hard to tell why it fails. The easiest thing to do is to implement SshVersionString() to return constant string.But, SshVersionString function (called from Terminal->Open()), show the next error: "Acces violation at address 77BD11C7. Read of Address 00000004" :(
Remove _FAR_USE_FARFINDDATA, _MSC_VER and _WINDOWS. There are conditionals necessary for FAR plugin API. You do not use it.In the options of my proyect is included the "Version info" and next conditionals:
Yes you should call DoStartup()."Accertion failed: FTerminal->FFiles && FTerminal->FFiles->Loaded: in file ScpFileSystem.cpp, en line 1158"
on method "TSCPFileSystem::CopyToRemote".
is necesary the Terminal->DoStartup() method, after of Terminal->Open() ?? :?:
You have reversed month and day in your listing. WinSCP does not support this.Hi!, I Can't run DoStartup() method, show Exception ""! in the next line:
File->ListingStr = OutputCopy->Strings[Index]
where OutputCopy->Strings[Index] = "lrwxrwxrwx 1 fvelez matiu 36 Jan 2 2003 .DCOPserver_huauhtli -> /home/fvelez/.DCOPserver_huauhtli_:0" and Index = 2
Need more info. Also try to read requirements and transfer protocols pages before asking. Thanks.Other promblem finding was I try conect to Remote Server in other city, but not was posible and with PSCP.exe is succesfull!
wath is the diference with PSCP?
You have reversed month and day in your listing. WinSCP does not support this.
Need more info. Also try to read requirements and transfer protocols pages before asking. Thanks.
You must call DoStartup. It strange that it work without. If it does that it is violation of SFTP protocol from the servers side. In DoStartup() client and server agrees on SFTP version to use. When you do not call it that probably (I have never tried), WinSCP assumes version 0. And I have never debugged WinSCP against SFTP version 0, because I do not have any server that knows version 0. You've been warned :-)
You have reversed month and day in your listing. WinSCP does not support this.
I work with protocol fsSFTP ( without DoStartup method :?:) and send my file correctly :lol:
Still the same: "You have reversed month and day in your listing. WinSCP does not support this." The next version will.Some other idea with the problem of SCP protocol?
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